Current Publishing

Column: A different view on gun violence

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Commentary by Jason Peek

In the wake of all the shootings I thought about some different solutions to combat gun violence.

The first step would be education for all; maybe even start in the schools with a class on gun safety and self-defense classes for kids to teach awareness and confidence if a situation goes down. For example, how not to panic if there is a shooter attacking. For example, one gunman in a room can’t stop a group of people from taking him down.

Education is key in anything. We were all scared to drive at first until we learned. We were scared to start a new school or move to new neighborhood before we got familiar with it, scared to move out on our own, etc.

Bad guys are going after the defenseless not the one ready to defend. After all, these people are really cowards at heart.  Statistics show that more guns equal fewer crimes. But, on that note, as a permit holder since age 21 I don’t understand how in Indiana you must have a license to be a barber, a lawyer, or to drive, but for a gun you just wait seven days and then you can carry legally without ever even firing a shot or being educated. To me this is wrong.

Fear is what these senseless gunmen thrive on, so how much would it switch things up if instead of fear we were prepared and educated on protecting ourselves and not just relying on public servants to do it when they can get there.

Our awesome police force that I talked to would love a little help from trained and educated people because they can’t save everyone even though they would love to. There are many training programs sponsored by the NRA and local gun ranges. I, for one, want nothing more than my children and countrymen to be safe from crime.

I get the divide on assault weapons, and how some say they are not necessary for average people. However, I believe we have a right to own them if we can show through background checks and education testing that we can handle them responsibly.

One last thing: We all make our own decisions in life, but don’t infringe on someone else’s life because you think your way of thinking is right above others. If you don’t want to carry a gun, then don’t.

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