Current Publishing

Column: Motivation: The fire lit from within

CIN COM 0528 May NoblesvilleWORKS


By Dario Torres, fifth grade, White River Elementary



Note: The NoblesvilleWORKS initiative is a campaign that will highlight a monthly “soft skill.” In partnership with Current in Noblesville, students who are part of the NoblesvilleWORKS initiative will have their monthly essays published. May’s “soft skill” was Motivation. For more, visit and

To me, motivation is something others cannot give you. Others can light a spark, but not start a fire. Motivation is that fire, and you are the only one who can light it.

Motivation is when you have your eye set on a certain goal, motivation is the fire that drives you to reach that goal. After a while, motivation turns into determination. When you are determined, you are going to do it.

It all starts with motivation, ask yourself what lights your fire. Could it be your favorite baseball player, or your favorite author? Could it be your mother or father? Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter, as long as it lights your fire, your fire called motivation.

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