Current Publishing

Sounds of Hope orchestra combines music, outreach

CIC COM 0405 Sounds of Hope

The Sounds of Hope orchestra performs at a nursing home. (Submitted photo)

The Sounds of Hope orchestra performs at a nursing home. (Submitted photo)

By Amanda Foust

Sounds of Hope, a traveling community orchestra, has begun filling Carmel, Zionsville and beyond with music that positively inspires.

Caroline Ahn, a professional composer and professor at Anderson University, recently created Sounds of Hope after dreaming of how she could combine her love for music and service.

“I wanted to show my children differences in the people around them and teach them how to serve their communities,” Caroline said.

Last October, Ahn, her husband and a friend came together to form the small performance group that has now grown to 20 young people who share a love for music. Some play in the orchestra and some sing, but all enjoy using their talents to make a difference.

“We are all so proud of these children that are using their talent to make positive impacts in our community,” said Dr. Soong Ahn, Caroline’s husband and Sounds of Hope board member.

The group has rehearsals and events once each month to not overwhelm schedules. The goal is to grow into several groups serving at the same time, multiple times each month, in several locations.

Performances so far have been at local nursing homes, but the group is looking for future opportunities and is open to share its music elsewhere. They are also welcoming additional participants interested in performing.

Not all participants need be instrumental musicians. Anyone who can sing along is welcome to join. Because Caroline is a professional composer, she is able to arrange music to fit everyone’s needs.

“We will figure out ways to use everyone willing to serve,” Caroline said.

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