Current Publishing

Opinion: Estridge’s gift pays forward


As you might know, homebuilder Paul Estridge Jr. has donated $20,000 to the Leader in Me organization at Washington Woods Elementary School. The organization encourages kids to follow “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” penned by author Stephen Covey, a legendary management and leadership authority.  It’s a great move by Estridge – one might say a fine habit, which is paying forward. Covey’s aim is to get people to be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand and then to be understood, synergize and sharpen the saw. The donation allows the school to continue working with the FranklinCovey organization on coaching, staff training and student education. Estridge’s donation finished out the three-year-fundraising plan two years early; originally, it was planned for completion in the spring of 2018. Let the enhancement of effectiveness begin!

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Like so many these days, we’re watching often for results of polling that various media and educational institutions are conducting on the race for the White House. While it’s all empirical data, we know from history (and not revisionist history, either) that one oral gaffe, one revelation or one serious misstep can drive downward a presidential candidate’s favorability in a heartbeat. Donald Trump (R-Billions) trails Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) in almost every recently released poll. That’s all well and good, but it may not last with nearly 150 FBI agents digging into Clinton’s e-mail/server investigation. That remains to be seen. Meanwhile, both candidates might want to switch from blathering to crystal-clear speaking on how they will solve the nation’s ills, not simply that they will. Then, we’ll watch the polls more closely.

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