Current Publishing

Marshall named February Teacher of the Month


From left, Dan Mixan of Market District, Minna Vens and Carmen Marshall at the Teacher of the Month luncheon, catered by Market District. (photo by Theresa Skutt)

From left, Dan Mixan of Market District, Minna Vens and Carmen Marshall at the Teacher of the Month luncheon, catered by Market District. (photo by Theresa Skutt)

The February Teacher of the Month winner is Carmen Marshall, a first-grade teacher at Eagle Elementary. Student Minna Vens nominated her. As a reward, Minna won a pizza party for her class, and Hook won a $50 gift card for Market District, Teacher of the Month sponsor.

Minna Vens drew a picture of herself with her teacher, Mrs. Marshall. (submitted photo)

Here is Minna’s winning essay:

Do you want to hear why Mrs. Marshall is awesome?  There are lots of reasons and I’ll share a few.

We team up with Mrs. Schmidt’s 2nd grade class, and we get to do fun stuff and we have a buddy!

Mrs. Marshall helps me with trying to learn tricky stuff, like learning about quarters.  She is very fair because she settles hard situations easily.

She does fun stuff in her classroom, like at Thanksgiving, we were going to a feast and we made hats.  We got to pick Pilgrim or Native American.  And she helped us make them.

To submit an essay and nominate a teacher for the February Teacher of the Month, email a 100-word essay to All essays are due by March 15.

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