Current Publishing

Boys & Girls Club kick butts

CIN COM 0308 kick butts day01

Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville members show off the cigarette butts and trash they collected with Mayor John Ditslear and BGCN staff. (Submitted photo)

Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville members show off the cigarette butts and trash they collected with Mayor John Ditslear and BGCN staff. (Submitted photo)

Members of the Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville collected discarded cigarette butts in downtown Noblesville for one hour Feb. 29 to promote Kick Butts Day, a national event that seeks to raise awareness of the dangers of tobacco to kids, adults and the environment.

Upon their arrival at the courthouse square, Mayor John Ditslear met the students to congratulate them on their hard work.

“This project serves multiple educational purposes,” said Lauren Sebring, program director, BGCN. “The kids (learned about chemicals, including tar and other toxins, found in cigarettes and how dangerous they are to their health. They (also saw) firsthand the amount of waste created by tobacco butts, which many people discard without thinking. They are litter. They mar the beauty of our streets and parks, and they are dangerous to soil and waterways. The kids (were) able to experience firsthand how harmful tobacco is to their bodies and the earth because this is such a hands-on project.”

In addition to cleaning up cigarette butts, the kids picked up trash as well.

The Kick Butts initiative is a collaboration of BGCN and the Partnership for a Healthy Hamilton Co.’s Tobacco Prevention & Cessation program.

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