Current Publishing

Will Cunningham named 2016 Mr. Zionsville at annual fundraiser

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Will Cunningham being crowned Mr. Zionsville

By Heather Lusk

Nine seniors danced, sang and drummed their way in hopes if claiming the title of Mr. Zionsville during the annual talent show held Jan. 21.

Part variety show, the main purpose of the evening is to raise funds for the prom.

At the end of the evening Will Cunningham received the crown and the title, but for most of the young men the experience of bonding with each other was more important than winning.

“It’s such a family, and winning or losing wasn’t on people’s minds,” Cunningham said. The contestants, who volunteer to participate, had been practicing since December several nights a week.

After a choreographed opening dance number in the spirit of Magic Mike, the contestants shared their talents of singing, drumming, comedy or dancing. The show was interspersed with skits about Zionsville cops, high school life and a teacher of the year parody award with a Steve Harvey/Miss Universe inspired ending. During one skit, participants answered questions mimicking certain celebrities such as Justin Bieber, Donald Trump and a Zionsville teacher.

A panel of three judges made the decision: former Mr. Zionsville Taylor Hypes; radio personality and Zionsville resident Kristi Lee; and Victor Gosnell, co-owner of Bites and Confectioneiress.

Waiting for the results the contests gathered on the stage, arms around each other’s shoulders. Isaac Peterson was named Mr. Spirit, the senior showing the most spirit and energy during rehearsals. Peterson had performed a standup comedy routine for his talent. Nick Haythorn was named Mr. Talent after a percussion act illuminated by strands of light.

After being crowned, Cunningham thanked the crew, the directors and his fellow contestants after expressions of appreciation for his family.

“The first people I need to thank are my parents and my little brother,” said Cunningham, who also thanked the band who performed while he sang “Feeling Good” as his talent.

The future engineering student planned to have a big chocolate milkshake at Steak ‘n Shake as his first order of business.


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