Current Publishing

Letter: Zionsville needs traffic signal on Oak Street


I’ve lived one block north of State Road 334, now Oak Street, on this accident-prone road since 1970. Our family has seen many changes over the years, especially the amount of traffic on this road – all day long.

It is very difficult to make a left-hand turn from side roads and/or driveways onto Oak at any time during the day, even with the speed limit having been lowered to 45 miles per hour. There is often quite a wait to make a right-hand turn onto Oak also.

The resident’s comments stated in the Jan. 16 Current article are exactly correct. Accidents occur for a variety of reasons: bad weather, road conditions, vehicle malfunctions, driver’s sudden health issue, and yes, driver errors as Mayor Tim Haak stated in the article.

Nonetheless, it is the role of our public servants to do as much as they can for the safety of Zionsville residents (and all who travel Oak Street). A study shouldn’t even be needed. Past history on this road shows a multitude of accidents, many causing injury and vehicle damage; and some, unfortunately, resulting in death.

Please give drivers on Oak Street a safe chance. “Stop” traffic so turns onto Oak are more easily made both at an intersection and all along the road. Install a stop-go signal at Oak Street and 800 E (Kissel Road) sooner rather than later. Later could result in more accidents with injuries or death – no matter the fault.

Martha Randel


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