Current Publishing

Letter: Rescinding the opt-out for city trash collection not a good decision


At the Jan. 4 City Council meeting, the council voted (unanimously) to rescind the “opt-out” for city trash collection. In an area of the country that prides itself on respecting individual freedoms and private enterprise, this is not a good omen.

There are six reasons why this decision takes us in the wrong direction. First, it takes a private enterprise service and “governmentalizes” it. Despite flimsy arguments from the councilors, this is not the same as the electric or gas utilities.

Second, it eliminates competition. Third, it removes the provider (Republic) from having to deal with the consumer and creates inefficiencies as the city is now the middleman. Fourth, it replaces an Indiana family owned business with a Teamsters unionized Arizona corporation. Fifth, it costs more than the alternative (Ray’s), and the city now takes a cut of everyone’s payments to pay for its inefficiency. And sixth, the chosen provider offers more restrictions and inferior service.

The City Council has now lost any pretense that they are Republicans and conservatives; the mayor lost that a long time ago. Because so many people in Carmel did not vote in the last election, they will now get what they deserve thanks to the small minority who did vote for the current slate.

Bob Sheipe


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