Current Publishing

Where’s Amy?: Flapper Girls at Murder Mystery Dinner

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The sold-out Coxhall Mansion Murder Mystery Dinner included guests from Fishers and Geist who came dressed as official Flapper Girls. Angela Vance, Fishers, Nicole Wawok, Geist, Tricia Griunta, Geist, Elizabeth Shipe, Fishers, Tricia McCormick, Geist, Kelly Thompson, Geist, Chris Nevogt, Geist, Amanda Uskert, Fishers, and Brooke Donley, Fishers.

“Where’s Amy?” … assuming the role of gangster ‘Al Cologne’ at a murder mystery dinner held at the beautiful Coxhill Mansion in Carmel. The Coxhill Guild held a sold out fundraiser for the Friends of the Hamilton County Parks Coxhill Gardens which included a tour, four-course dinner where guests tried to solve a murder and a chance to compete in England. Karin Glass, owner of Serenity Cafe and Tea Room in Zionsville, Sharon Terry, founder of the Coxhill Guild, and dedicated Coxhill Guild Members organized a night full of murder, mayhem and moonshine … or shall I say a well-stocked “Wine Pull” that kept the dinner guests happy. I met new friends from all zip codes of Current including a few rowdy Flapper Girls from Fishers and Geist. These energetic Flapper Girls were part of a Mom’s Group and said it was their night to dress up and have a rockin’ GNO. Each table of eight had to solve a murder with a few sneaky clues and a cleverly crafted script. After dinner, the table as a group had to figure out who was the murderer. The stakes were high because the table that came up with the correct person was then entered into a drawing that would send two lucky players (and a guest) to England to attend an official Murder Mystery Dinner in a pub. For more, visit

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