Current Publishing

Meet your teacher Kimberly Giddings

CIW COM 1117 MeetYourTeacher

Name: Kimberly Giddings

Grade/Subject at what school: Kindergarten, Carey Ridge Elementary School

Number of years teaching: First Year

Background/Schooling (college & high school):

John Jay Sr High School, Hopewell, Jct., NY
Bachelor of Social Work, Spring Arbor University, Spring Arbor, MI

Master’s of Social Work, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

Transition of Teaching: Elementary Education, Indiana Wesleyan University

Why did you become a teacher?  I always had thought about teaching in the back of my mind.  My grandma and great-aunt were teachers and I grew up hearing their stories.  When my grandma passed away a man came to her funeral and told the story of how my grandma had taught him to read. He told us she changed his life because she didn’t give up on him.  That story always stuck with me and when I decided to go back to school to pursue teaching I vowed to never give up on a student because you just never know if you are the one person who can change the course of their life.

What goals do you have for your students?  One goal I have for my students is that they will try new things they do not know how to do and make mistakes.  Handling obstacles and how you handle failure directly affect your ability to grow.  If you try it and keep working at it you will succeed.

What do you encourage parents to do at home to help their children strengthen particular skills? Learning starts at home with every day life.  Read to your children, but don’t make it just something you do at bedtime.  Read signs at the grocery store, play word games in the car, let them cook with you and explain measurement. Make learning a part of your child’s every day life!

Name your favorite movie:  Home Alone

Name your favorite musician or band: Rend Collective

What’s something your students might not know about you? I have moved around quite a bit in my life and have lived in 8 different states including, Illinois, Kansas, New Jersey, New York, Michigan, Washington, Minnesota and I’m happily settled now in Indiana

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