Current Publishing

Column: How do we face Tragedy?

CIF VIEWS 0317 VandenBerg LG


Commentary by Michael VandenBerg

Friday the 13th, Paris, France. The city is bustling with activity; soccer games, concerts, dinners with friends, city lights. Then comes the terror of explosions, gunshots, sirens, and stampedes of bystanders.

How do we face the uncertainty of life? How do we face life’s tragedies?

In the Gospel of John, Chapter 16 we read of how Jesus approached tragedy, death, uncertainty, the dark night of evil and the ill intent of men. Jesus is arrested, tried and put to death, all in a matter of hours and faces it, he says with this outlook.

“A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

The world will always offer troubles, trials and tragedy. But God and God alone can offer peace. The Bible, God’s word uses the term shalom for peace. But shalom is much more than a mere cease fire, it is a health that transforms the very heart of our perceptions. It is a peace that comes from God Himself to change how we view all of life. He says that when we begin to see life through the eyes of God, we begin to be at total peace with whatever comes our way.

It doesn’t say that all violence, evil and destruction will no longer take place, but it does inform us that God will wipe away the tears, take the tragedy upon Himself and walk with us every step of the way.

In the midst of the tragedy of Paris we ask, just as we did on 911, ‘Where is God in all this’? God is beside those who lost their lives. God is bringing comfort to all who call upon His name. God is the peace that surpasses all of our meager understanding and God will wipe away our tears.

The people of France, like the people of the U.S. before them are facing the evil with strength, courage and determination. May they also face the darkness of evil with the light of life and the Shalom of God. Let us pray not only for the victims but for the perpetrators that all may find Shalom.

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