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Column: Turkey time: How to get a holiday workout in

JTT 1117 Kara Babcock turkey workout

The holidays are no time to slack when it comes to getting in a quick workout with or without the kids. (Submitted photo)

The holidays are no time to slack when it comes to getting in a quick workout with or without the kids. (Submitted photo)

Commentary by Kara Babcock

Can you believe the average Thanksgiving meal is 3,000 calories? Although this seems crazy, with this delicious holiday only coming around once a year, it seems okay to indulge a little (or lot!), right? Here is a great little Thanksgiving Turkey Day workout which you can do from anywhere whether it be at home, your in-laws, a hotel or friends house fitting in this workout will definitely help you feel better about eating that extra piece of pumpkin pie.

This workout only takes about 20 minutes and you will burn a ton of calories to help you feel light on your feet all day…and also a little more engerized to wake up bright & early for Black Friday shopping!

I like to call this workout, my Turkey Day workout and we finish with our Happy “Planksgiving” ab exercises!

Happy Planksgiving ab exercises!

30 second plank

30 second side plank (each side)

30 second mountain climbers

**repeat 4x

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