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Our Lady of Grace School 5th graders lead food drive

CIN COM 1031 OLOG food drive

Megan Powers and Olivia Corrao assist with the 2014 food drive. (Submitted photo)

Megan Powers and Olivia Corrao assist with the 2014 food drive. (Submitted photo)

By Mark Ambrogi

Our Lady of Grace Catholic School’s food drive has a new feature to encourage donations with different themes throughout the week.

“Parent volunteers thought the themes would keep the week interesting and help contribute to areas of the food pantry that have greater needs such as baby items, which are always in demand,” said Morgan Welsh, Our Lady of Grace fifth grade teacher.

The donations from the drive, which runs from Oct. 31 through Nov. 6, go to the Noblesville Society of Saint Vincent de Paul’s food pantry, which serves those in need in Hamilton County.

Among the food and supplies needed are canned vegetables, fruits, tuna, meats, cereal, toilet paper, toiletries, diapers, baby food and cleaning supplies.

Monday the theme is “Rise ‘n’ Shine Monday”, breakfast food like cereal and oatmeal. Tuesday is “All Cleaned Up” and “Oh Baby,” toiletries and baby items. Wednesday is “Canned Food Wednesday.” Thursday is “Oodles of Noodles,” boxed noodles, sauces and spices. Friday is “Free for All” day, so it’s the donors’ choice.

The annual food drive, which began in 2001, serves as the fifth grade service project for the school, 9900 E. 191 St., Noblesville.

“They get the privilege of being in charge of it every year. However, the entire school and parish participate in donations,” Welsh said.

Welsh said the 41 fifth graders’ enthusiasm is key to a successful food drive.

“The week prior to the food drive, fifth grade students travel from classroom to classroom to encourage all students to participate and inform each class about the importance of serving those in need,” Welsh said. “Fifth graders continue to visit classrooms throughout the week of the food drive to collect all donations and give out positive feedback. The students get to see how the shelves fill with all the donations and soon realize how quickly it is all utilized. For many, this develops their desire to continue to serve those in need.”

The school goal is 17,500 items, more than seven tons of donations. Welsh said the goal is up from 15,000 items last year. Boxes are available in the school lobby.

For more, call the school at 770-5660.

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