Current Publishing

Opinion: Show the road in 60 seconds


This ought to get the creative juices flowing. Zionsville Community Schools is having a 60-second video contest for all grades. The theme, appropriately, is “The Road Through Life Begins Here.” The goal of the competition is for students to have their videos show the “how.” Entries are due Oct. 28. Prizes will be awarded, and the school district also will win a prize, of sorts; it will gain a window and insight on students’ “roads.” Student prizes include a $1,000 Visa gift card, two classroom iPads, iPad Minis and various amounts of loaded Visa gift cards, as well as a pizza party. There’s more information at

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Maybe the Trump Show is wearing thin? It could be too early to tell, but we’re watching New Hampshire, which since forever has been some kind of barometer (along with Iowa and South Carolina) as to the true political climate for Republican candidates. According to Fox News, this month’s NBC/Wall Street Journal Marist poll shows Carly Fiorina making a 10-point leap: from 6 percent last month to 16 percent this month. “She still trails frontrunner Donald Trump, but her Granite State surge shows a potential path for Fiorina who has been mostly surfing the national zeitgeist,” Fox reported. We like what she has shown thus far, but we consider it just an appetizer for what we expect to be a battle royale between Trump and Fiorina as the months pass. If the Republican Party pushes any of the “insiders” over these two, it might as well fold the tent and call it a day.

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We can’t make this up: It is permissible to have a brown bear in your car in Russia –  as long as it’s wearing a seatbelt. (Of course it is.)

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