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Barnes and Noble to host homeschool event

CIW COM 1010 Homeschool


By Anna Skinner


When it comes to celebrating educators, school teachers are the ones that usually come to mind. For educator appreciation week, Barnes and Noble is hosting an event that celebrates educators who don’t receive recognition as often.

The bookstore will be hosting a Homeschool Reception on Oct. 12 for parents and students involved in homeschooling throughout the Westfield and Carmel area. Different organizations and businesses in the area involved with homeschooling will be at the event, offering suggestions and materials for parents and students.

“This is the first time in our area we are pulling together so many different groups, and when I spoke to them, they were so excited we are doing this. They have so much to offer to homeschool educators in the area,” said Liza Nahas, community business development manager. “It’s a growing movement in our area. A lot of homeschool parents can come and meet each other, share ideas, do a little networking.”

Nahas said this is also a prime time for homeschool parents to inform the bookstore of what materials they are still searching for, such as the right type of workbooks for their students.

Some of the different groups participating in the event include Westfield Washington Public Library, Washington Township Parks Dept., Indiana State Museum, a K-9 search and recovery team and others. In addition to the parents networking, there will be several different activities for the students to do in the store.

The event runs from 1 to 3 p.m., and although there is no cost, RSVPs are requested and can be sent to

Despite the homeschool theme, the event is not exclusive to homeschool families.

“Any parent interested in finding out about some different educational resources available is more than welcome to come,” Nahas said. “The groups coming have things geared towards homeschooled students, but they have materials for anyone.”

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