Current Publishing

Loy named September Teacher of the Month


Bob Loy, from left, is the September Teacher of the Month. Student Melissa Su nominated him. Jim Griffith and Jason Riley from sponsor Market District helped honor Loy on Sept. 30. (Photo by Feel Good Now)

Bob Loy, from left, is the September Teacher of the Month. Student Melissa Su nominated him. Jim Griffith and Jason Riley from sponsor Market District helped honor Loy on Sept. 30. (Photo by Feel Good Now)

The September Teacher of the Month winner is Bob Loy, an instructional coach at Creekside Middle School. He was nominated by student Melissa Su. As a reward, Melissa won a pizza party for her class and Loy won a $50 gift card from Teacher of the Month sponsor Market District.

Here is Melissa’s winning essay:

My favorite teacher was my 6th grade math teacher, a math teacher who also taught me how to be independent, a problem solver and a better person. Who is this? Mr. Robert Loy. Mr. Loy was always humorous, taught us something new every day, made sure we understood everything he taught, challenged us and encouraged us to try different things that might have been new or difficult. It is simply not a surprise that Mr. Loy is on the top of my list. These are only a few reasons he is my favorite teacher and should definitely deserve community recognition.

To submit an essay and nominate a teacher for the October Teacher of the Month, email a 100-word essay to All essays are due by Oct. 15.

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