Current Publishing

Column: New Software, new You

CIF CIG COM 0811 Presnoples

Commentary by Paula Presnoples

We all have thoughts in our heads that cause us to act or react in ways that we often wish we didn’t.  Think about the last time you had an argument with someone you care about and said something you wished you hadn’t. Maybe you ate that dessert you didn’t need or really want but you ate it anyway.  Afterwards wondering what possessed you.  Well, we all have brain software that does, in a way, posses us; scripts that were laid down many years ago.  They can range from: “I am not worthy” to “Hey, what about me”.

We all have that little voice inside our head that is driven by some hidden emotion, which can make us do and say things we regret.  Did you know that biologically, humans are feeling beings who think, not thinking beings who feel?  It is estimated that 80 percent of our actions are driven by emotion. Often that little voice inside our heads reflects what we are feeling down deep.  Sometimes the emotions are so deep, they are buried in our subconscious; other times they are front and center loudly proclaiming their presence.

So how do you get new software?  Actually there are many ways, different techniques work for different situations and people. For example, do you have a phobia? A phobia is an emotion, fear, which got attached to a thing or event that elicits more fear.  A phobia feeds on itself.  Every time you experience the phobic reaction is reinforces the fear. However once you get new software the fear isn’t so large and intimidating; each successive exposure decreases the fear.  For some people mindfulness or prayer can create new software; just forcing exposure will help some and for others, hypnosis is the answer.

No matter how you get there, new software creates a new reality for you.  The first step is to decide, you are ready. Then find the technique that works best for you.  You don’t have to settle for old software, get a new update: You 2.0.

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