Current Publishing

Column: A letter to the teachers

CIC School Supplies 4.1

Commentary by Heather Kestian

Dear Teachers,

I have a confession. Last year, when I received a survey about whether I would support an increase in taxes if the money went to schools, I may have lost my mind. It elicited in me a cold response. I initially replied that the funding formula should be fixed first and thereafter, we could discuss any unfilled need.

But now, I am cringing at my words. I have failed you.

Please know that I support you. You—who do so much for so little. You—who give so much of yourself to my children and the world. You provide the most powerful tool that promotes change in our society—education. You do this despite living and working in an incredibly unfriendly environment directed at teachers.

You shape minds, hearts and attitudes for generations. I see it everyday when my children come home and tell me what they learned. They tell me what you did or said that ignited a spark. You give hope. How can I ever repay your daily acts of kindness and vision?

I have learned from my mistake. When someone asks if I would pay more in taxes to support you—heck yes! This is a lesson in indebtedness. You provide a service that I am ill equipped to do—one that charts the course of our very existence. I am forever grateful. In fact, we all should be.

Providing for our children’s education is not an us versus you issue. We are in this together. I will stand by you, now and always. We need you; the stakes are far too high if we lose you.

With Gratitude, Your #1 Fan.

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