Current Publishing

Opinion: U.K. likes one of our rotaries



This is pretty cool, we believe. The U.K. Roundabout Appreciation Society has selected one of Carmel’s roundabouts for its 2016 calendar. The roundabout on West Main Street near the Arts & Design District arch will represent August in the British group’s calendar. We’re big believers of roundabouts, as you might recall, and our city is better for them. Accidents are down, accident-associated costs are down, emissions are down, and the lengthy traffic jams are down. Too bad there can’t be a roundabout at Main Street and Range Line Road.

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We agree with Carmel City Council sending the anti-discrimination ordinance back to committee for more work. If it’s going to become law, it should be letter perfect.

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We were mildly disappointed, but certainly not in any way surprised, to learn union-busting Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.) dropped out of the Republican Party race for the nomination for the presidency. It seems Walker either was “too much too soon” for the party leadership or we were just wishfully thinking he really had a chance to make things interesting. We suspect he was advised out under the threat of having his spine removed, as was the case with so many before him.

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No less an authority than USA Today’s empaneled experts have anointed Carly Fiorina the frontrunner for the GOP bid for the White House. That didn’t take long, did it? We mean, The Trump Show had to fade at some point, didn’t it? Can’t wait to see what happens next.

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CORRECTION: Unbeknownst to us PorchFest II performers were paid between $50 and $200 on Sept. 13. We had indicated in this space last week that they “played for tips.”

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