Current Publishing

Column: A dissertation to the human race

Whatever side you stand on, be it a religion, human rights, politics, gender or race, everyone is fighting, vehemently fighting for power and influence to change things. We are all terrified of being mistreated or taken advantage of. I have read through much religious literature, human rights literature and political literature over the last few years, and even within the aforementioned camps there is war. Even those who use Android phones must look with detest at those who use Apple phones and vice versa.

It’s insane. Humanity is broken.

Some don’t even know what they are fighting for, yet they feel like they must fight. So they join the bandwagon of what has emotionally hit them in the moment without thinking through what a short-lived bandwagon cause might accidently do, i.e. Cecil the lion.

What I find most interesting is that almost everyone desperately wants to be made new and wants things to be made right, but no one can seem to agree on what “right” is. Every hate-filled blog or post screams that this is so.  Some have so lost hope they play the arrogant cynic.  Instead of offering real options they just poke holes at everyone else and their ideas.  Honestly, I understand how easy it is to become that.  It’s like billions and billions of humans are hungry for something and are desperately trying to satisfy it.  To all my liberal arts graduate comrades, we could offer many historical examples of humanity trying to make a “fix” and the attempt ending in the slaughter and oppression of something or someone.  As history teaches when that happens the group that created the cultural “fix” desperately works to justify their actions until so much bloodshed and oppression has happened, humanity can’t turn a blind eye anymore.

I am not picking on one of humanity’s “fixes,” I am picking on ALL of them.

Our awareness that something is very wrong, our desire to fix it, and our inability to do so makes me feel like we are stranded on an island with ever growing hunger pains and nothing to satisfy them, and it’s driving us all mad. We need rescued. Mark my words, humanity is primed to follow a glorious God or the devil himself.  That is why the person of Jesus so intrigues me, not the human institutions built around Him, but who He actually is – the Great Rescuer.

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