Current Publishing

Kroger signs on hold until bike racks put in place



The newly remodeled Kroger on Range Line Road made headlines with its “first in the state” level of amenities and gourmet options. The new Carmel location seems to have everything, that is, except bike racks.

The Carmel Plan Commission has tabled Kroger’s application for new signage because commissioners said that the grocery store hasn’t complied with its previous plans to install bike racks in two locations outside the building.

“And we need to make sure that happens before they get any further work done in regards to the plan commission,” said Ron Carter, city councilor.

The application was for three new signs and a speaker box related to a new service called Kroger’s Online Shopping where customers can order online and then park in designated spots and staff will help deliver the items to the vehicle. There would be brick pilasters that bump out about four feet with a metal overhead canopy.

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