Current Publishing

Letter: CarmelFest volunteers step up

A message from the CarmelFest committee to thank the volunteers who helped over the festive weekend.

More 250 people from Carmel (and the surrounding counties) stepped up to volunteer with CarmelFest on July 3rd and 4th. People of all ages and backgrounds, helped deliver ice, set up signs, direct parking, monitor parking lots, drive golf carts, set up KidZone, manage stages, escort VIP’s, work with sound systems, sell Spark Buttons, pass out water bottles, drop off trash and recycle containers. All of these helping hands made impossible tasks possible.

JoDee Curtis, CarmelFest Volunteer Coordinator, was impressed by the dedication of all volunteers.

“Everyone was helpful and cheerful.  I especially want to thank Boy Scout Troupe 112.  They filled every single ice shift both days,” she said.





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