Current Publishing

Hamilton County Traffic Safety Partnership reminds drivers to celebrate responsibly this July Fourth 

The fireworks display, which was set to music heard in Asa Bales Park, culminated the Westfield Rocks the Fourth event. (Photo by Robert Herrington)

The fireworks display, which was set to music heard in Asa Bales Park, culminated the Westfield Rocks the Fourth event. (Photo by Robert Herrington)

Increased Patrols planned statewide for holiday weekend 

The Hamilton County Traffic Safety Partnership, a consortium of law enforcement agencies across Hamilton County, in partnership with the Governor’s Council on Impaired & Dangerous Driving and the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI), would like to remind all Indiana motorists to celebrate July Fourth responsibly by driving sober and safe.

“All too often accidents are preventable with just an ounce of safe practice,” said Hamilton County Sheriff Mark Bowen. “With the increased celebration and travel during the upcoming holiday weekend, we will be stepping up enforcement as we remind motorists drinking and driving don’t mix. So celebrate responsibility and help keep our Indiana roadways safe.”

During the 2014 July Fourth holiday period (6 p.m., July 3 through 5:59 a.m, July 7), there were nearly 1,400 traffic collisions in Indiana. Of those, 96 were alcoholrelated, with 65 percent involving a driver with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 or greater.

In total, there were 58 injuries and 6 deaths as a result of alcoholrelated accidents.

“Even one life lost to impaired driving is one too many,” said Council Chair, Todd Meyer. “It’s important to recognize the role we can all play in keeping each and every motorist safe this holiday weekend.”

The Hamilton County Traffic Safety Partnership, the Governor’s Council, and ICJI would like to remind motorists that accidents and deaths resulting from impaired driving can be prevented with the following precautions:

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