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Column: How to attack belly fat

CIW CIC AA Black column


Commentary by Corey Black

Feel like you have too much fat around the belly? Besides feeling conscientious, it may be negatively affecting your health. Much of belly fat can be visceral fat, or fat lying under the abdominal muscle. Visceral fat is linked to negative health effects of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes as it increases insulin resistance.

We can do a lot about it though. A first step is to start cutting out the junk carbohydrates which feeds our belly fat. These carbohydrates are refined sugars and also starches in the form of foods such as grains and potatoes, which quickly metabolize into sugar in your body. Reducing as much of these carbohydrates as possible is important in reducing belly fat.

There are supplements can also help your body attack and metabolize belly fat. CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is a fatty acid natural to our bodies that has been shown to reduce fat around the core area. Participants in studies have lost from 1.5 to 3 pounds by simply adding 1.7 grams of CLA supplement to their daily diet.

CLA works by improving fat metabolism and prevent its storage by helping glucose pass into muscle cells more effectively, preventing it from being converted into fat. As well CLA helps fat enter the cell membranes of muscle and connective tissue, where the fat is burned for fuel.  It also interferes with a substance in your body called lipoprotein lipase that is used to store fat in your body.

To increase fat metabolism, a green tea extract supplement is a powerful tool. Green tea contains powerful antioxidants. One of them in particular is EGCG, which has been found to accelerate metabolism. EGCG naturally stimulates the central nervous system and causes fat to be released into the blood stream for the body to use as fuel. It provides extra energy, sheds excess water, and helps burn off body fat.

Don’t just ignore or accept belly fat. It’s more important to your health than you know.

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