Current Publishing

Promo biz grows in Fishers

CIF Perfect Promotion

Nick Murray of A Perfect Promotion. (Submitted photo)

Nick Murray of A Perfect Promotion. (Submitted photo)

By Meggie Welch

A local promotional outlet in Fishers, A Perfect Promotion, is excited about the opportunities it’s been given to connect with local businesses.

Nick Murray, regional vice president, joined the company after his friend and partner, Clayton Monfre, purchased the existent company and asked Murray to head the Indianapolis branch. The main location of A Perfect Promotion is in Morton, Ill., but the Indianapolis location is growing with over 120 customers.

Murray works out of his home office or at the Hamilton East Public Library in Launch Fishers and keeps about 12 workers on staff. While some might see the small amount as strange, Murray said it’s a definite advantage. He claims the size of his workforce enables him to make sure the job gets done and make sure the customers are treated with the best service possible.

“I think what sets us apart is our dedication to customer service and serving local businesses,” Murray said, “along with partnering with companies only from around the Indianapolis area.”

Another advantage A Perfect Promotion has over its competitors is the youthfulness of its operation. The average age of an employee there is 28, which enables them to keep up with trends and throw technological promotionals into the mix, which helps garner a lot of customers for companies.

Murray seems to enjoy his work, helping people brand themselves, and named breweries and restaurants as some of his favorite industries to work for, since the food industry is so tough and a business needs a distinct identity to attract consumers.

A Perfect Promotion specializes in apparel, print and specialty items, along with speed and great customer service. To find out more, go to

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