Current Publishing

Opinion: OK, who needs some face wash?


They just continue to rub all our faces in “it,” and we keep coming back for more. Last week, the Internal Revenue Service stated it may have found 6,400 e-mails from Lois Lerner, who oversaw the tax agency’s Exempt Organizations Unit, but the IRS folks aren’t sharing what “may” have been discovered. Trust us, the excuse is el-perfecto, too! The legal beagles from the U.S. Department of Justice, in representation of the IRS, say the e-mails won’t be shared because the service is making sure that none of them is a duplicate. Yes, of course, we buy that lock, stock and barrel. Some people need to stop taking stupid pills, and everyone should demand that his or her congressional representatives get the ball rolling toward shuttering the Jurassic agency or vote them out. Fair tax, flat tax … whatever. Just. Make. It. Stop. And if they can’t get it done, vote for people who will achieve on that front. This poor nation … .

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Festival season is upon us, and we’re thrilled to be sponsoring events across our region once again. That got jump started with last Saturday’s Wild Air Farms Summer Festival in Zionsville. It was a benefit for the Make A Wish Foundation, and it was wildly successful by every measure. There was wonderful family entertainment, with a focus on kids and great music. The fireworks display was among the most amazing – if not the most amazing – shows of pyrotechnics we’ve seen anywhere. Folks worked their fannies off to make that event come off without a hitch. The same thing is going on in your community right now, the work part, that is. With July 4 festivities right around the corner, we urge you to at least consider joining the legions of volunteers working hard already to give the community a memory. Plus, volunteering just feels good!

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