Current Publishing

Dairy Queen owner seeks façade updates

By Anna Skinner

The owner of Zionsville’s Dairy Queen is hoping to update and modernize the building this summer to comply with changes that the corporate office would like to see at all stores.

Lee Kleiner, owner of the restaurant on S. 1st St., presented the project to the Zionsville Plan Commission on May 18. Proposed updates include a fresh coat of paint and a new facade, but some commissioners questioned whether the changes are appropriate for the Village.

“Part of the value of being in Zionsville is the architecture standards we have all businesses apply to,” said Commissioner Larry Jones. “Make some attempt to comply with the architectural standards we have, and this doesn’t hit any of them.”

Kleiner requested and received the appointment of a subcommittee to help revise the plans so an updated project can be presented at the ZPC’s June meeting. He said all renovations need to be complete by Aug. 6 and that his contractor will need five weeks to complete them.

In addition to requests for updates from the corporate office, Kleiner said that a new Dairy Queen is being constructed on Michigan Road that could potentially lure customers from Zionsville. He hopes that updates to the store will encourage them to continue visiting the Zionsville location.


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