Current Publishing

Letter: Low voter turnout allows small minority to decide elections


I would like to say a HUGE “Thank You” to those of you who came out and voted for me in this recent primary election.  Unfortunately, the total voter turnout for all of Boone County was 14.7 percent, or if you would like a different number, only 1 in 7 of Boone County registered voters voted. Very sad!

Along with embarrassingly low voter turnout, we seem to be willing to let a small minority choose our elected officials for us.  Residents need to be more engaged in the process and aware of the issues facing the Town of Zionsville.  At the same time, elected officials need to be more transparent and clearly explain to residents why certain decisions are being made, respect our two-tiered taxing districts and not tax rural residents for urban costs, no matter how they are justifying it.

There are two fundamental facts that have emerged since the institution of property tax caps:

1. We can no longer always tax to the max levy.  We are going to have to do a better job of financing our budgets and think “out of the box” on creative ways to achieve our needs with the money we have.

2. We will have school referendums.  The numbers just aren’t there due to the caps and updated school funding formula.  The legislature does not want to come out and say school systems like Brownsburg, Carmel, Fishers, Zionsville, above average school systems with financial affluence should be paying more to support their quality school systems.  They are going to pass the buck to the local elected officials to be the bad guys.

Candace Ulmer 

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