Current Publishing

Poetry on Brick Street to feature Liza Hyatt

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Poetry on Brick Street will present Indianapolis poet Liza Hyatt at 6:30 p.m. May 7 at the SullivanMunce Cultural Center, 225 W Hawthorne St. Hyatt will read her work, which will be followed by a brief intermission and an open mic. The event is free and open to the public.

Hyatt is the author of the books The Mother Poems – A Memoir: The Warrior Queen and Her Poet Daughter, Under My Skin, Seasons of a Star Planted Garden and Stories Made of World. She has been published in various regional, national and international journals and anthologies.

In 2006, Liza received an Individual Artist Project Grant from the Indiana Arts Commission and many of the poems within Under My Skin were created with the help of this funding.

Poetry on Brick Street is a project of Brick Street Poetry, a not-for-profit that also publishes the Tipton Poetry Journal and hosts other poetry events. For more information, visit

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