Current Publishing

Letter to the editor


As the longest serving City Councilor in Noblesville history, I have to challenge themayor on the so-called “progress” he’s made over the past 12 years.

According to his current ad, he is “growing our economy,” “strengthening our hometown,” and “enhancing our downtown.” Let’s look at the facts.

Growing our economy:  The mayor claims we led Hamilton County in capital investment last year. His $100 million figure is based on info from Invest Hamilton County and consists of just four investments, none of which can be attributed to the mayor’s effort. He admits the money wasn’t all spent last year. Most of the $100 million is potential investment, not actual.

Strengthening or Hometown: The mayor claims he continues to grow recreational amenities but his 85 miles of trails consist of “fantasy trails” that exist on paper only, not in reality. In his mind we have trails on 10th St., Conner St. and Greenfield Avenue, but they don’t exist. He has yet to explain why his maps show that they do.

Enhancing our Downtown: This mayor’s enduring legacy will be his neglect of downtown. His own city attorney admitted before the City Council that we haven’t seen any significant capital investment downtown in more than 10 years. Despite what he says in his ad, he didn’t establish the façade grant program. It was designed by John Elliott and Ball State University, and adopted by the city in the 90’s.

The fact is that very little has been started under this mayor. He grudgingly goes along with funding for downtown projects but has never championed an initiative and has no vision for downtown’s future. In fact, two commissions that were formed specifically toimprove downtown dissolved due to his lack of leadership.

I could go on: stalled economic development, loss of our place on the 50 best places tolive, the second highest tax rate in the county, the loss of businesses such as Warner Bodies and Weaver Popcorn, the loss of the Noblesville Symphony Orchestra. Yet, themayor wants us to believe that we’re going to start seeing “progress” if we re-elect him for another four years.

12 years is a long time and we’ve lost so much momentum under John Ditslear that it is going to take awhile to get back up to speed. But the time to start is now. That’s why I support Mike Corbett for Mayor and encourage you to support him too. He has solid ideas for improving our downtown, spurring economic development, connecting our trails and more. He’s a hard worker and has a passion for this city. He will help Noblesville reach the potential we all know we can achieve with the right leader.

Terry Busby

Noblesville resident (46062)

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