Current Publishing

Letter: Candidate criticizes ‘grand vision’


In election years, it is typical for the incumbents and their supporters to label the challengers as uninvolved, inexperienced, unqualified and momentum stoppers. They are just using negative campaigning to turn voters away from viable candidates whose platforms tell the truth about what is really occurring. That is the case again this election. Let me demonstrate.

On December 31, 2007, last day as a town, our Total Property Tax Rate was $2.52. In 2015 it’s $3.04. During that same period, the city’s rate went from $.33 to $.77. If you listen to the incumbents, our rates are down.

Under Cook and his council, debt has increased from approximately $4 million, in 2007, to more than $66 million in 2014. In a face-to-face discussion with Cook he said to me, “is that all” in describing this more than 17 fold increase. And understand; tens of millions more will occur simply because of the methods they have embraced.

Let’s not forget about the utility sale, effectively a $40+ million tax increase imposed on utility customers via the conscious decision of Cook and his council. We’re now paying approximately 50% more per month for the same service!

As for their “grand vision”, more than $50 million has been spent on the sports park yet they haven’t paid for the land? That’s correct; to own the land outright, Westfield still needs to borrow more than $10 million.

These are but a few of the facts that the incumbents would rather we ignored via negative campaigning. To them, Westfield is in a great financial position with more opportunities for them to borrow and spend more of our tax dollars.

In closing, please visit to see the commitments FIT candidates have publicly made, our plan and reasons for change.

Ron Thomas

Westfield City Council candidate At-Large

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