Current Publishing

Opinion: Pressing forward: A freshened Current


Welcome to your new Current. If you notice a slightly different format with the newspaper you’re holding in your hands, you are correct. If you notice a cleaner, brighter presentation with enhanced color reproduction, you’re on target. We have aligned with a different print vendor, not because our previous vendor did anything untoward, but mostly because the new vendor has the capacity to accommodate Current’s growth. It really was that simple … in the end. It was a bittersweet parting, because this, without a doubt, is our most important vendor relationship, and the previous vendor was extremely good to us. We grew with that outfit, and it grew with us. We were treated like family, and so the decision to part with the company actually took approximately five months at which to arrive. There are so many moving parts that it became an extremely “micro” exercise. But, in the end, it came down to this: There are all sorts of efficiencies that now are available to us in this new relationship, including different methods of advertising-message display and delivery, and we aim to make use of them. We simply had to do it, because the growth curve of our company has been steep and should be so well into the future. We owe it to our readers and advertisers to be as “current” as possible and to take every opportunity to improve the Current experience. So with the new vendor, there are presses more modern and a number of processes to enhance presentation of news and advertising to you. Everything is well organized, and we’re encouraged for what we believe the future holds. We urge you to give this new-and-improved version of Current a test drive and let us know your thoughts. As always, drop us a line at, and thank you for reading Current.

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