Current Publishing

Column: Staying focused: Open for business and open for all


Mayor Fadness proclamation

Mayor Fadness proclamation

In a special meeting, the Fishers City Council unanimously approved a proclamation issued by Mayor Scott Fadness. “The proclamation states that Fishers is open for business, and open for all,” said Fadness. Story developing…

By Mayor Scott Fadness

We are in a race. It may not be evident to the average Fishers resident who goes about working hard, raising their family and enjoying their lives. But, make no mistake, there is an ongoing race for our community to be economically viable for the future. It requires your local elected officials to stay focused every day on creating an environment that will attract the next generation of talented workers while providing a favorable tax climate to businesses and residents.

Much has been said and written with regard to the recent passing of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. I am not supportive of the new law. My value system is counter to anything that could potentially degrade human dignity or enable inequality. Regardless of my personal beliefs around diversity and equality, I think we have to act in terms of what is best for the long term sustainability of our community and our state.

The 21st century economy is fueled by innovation and ideas. Its engine is the creative class in our workforce and it needs the appropriate mix of people, place, and economics to thrive. As I outlined in my state of the City, there are several key initiatives underway to address critical issues and unique opportunities in advancing our community:

I am unabashedly optimistic about our future. But a financially sustainable community is not a guaranteed outcome. We need to remain focused on our goal of being a smart, vibrant, and entrepreneurial city. Every public policy decision needs to be examined through the lens of whether or not the policy furthers our progress toward our end goal. After recent conversations with Fishers’ current and future business leaders, it is evident to me that in order to further our vision of an entrepreneurial city, we must foster and project a culture of inclusiveness.

That is why I am asking our City Council to pass a proclamation calling on all residents, businesses, and government agencies to embrace a culture of acceptance and tolerance, to celebrate diversity, and to reject discrimination.

These are challenging times and difficult discussions. Although the legality and morality of actions at the state level will play out in the months and years to come, my job is to ensure that the next generation of leadership in our community inherits a stronger city than it is today. That’s why I believe we need to send a strong message that Fishers is open for business and open for all.

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