Current Publishing

Indiana University Health Saxony Hospital will host a free seminar


“How Can Our Orthopedic Expertise Ease Your Joint Pain?” on Wednesday, March 18, at 6 pm, at the IU Health Saxony Medical Offices Building (located at 13100 E. 136th St., Fishers, IN).

If hip or knee pain prevents you from doing the things you enjoy, imagine the difference a joint replacement surgery could make in your life. Join Dr. Philip Ireland, board certified orthopedic surgeon with IU Health Physicians, to learn more about strategies and surgical techniques in joint replacement, including the latest technology in biomaterials, computer navigation and other treatment options to ease your joint pain.

While the cause of joint pain differs, lifestyle changes and medications can ease pain and reduce swelling.  However, these techniques will not restore lost cartilage, tissue or bone. If pain continues and interferes or limits participation in your day-to-day life, it may be time to consider joint replacement surgery.

Following this educational physician-led presentation, attendees can participate in an open-forum Q&A with Dr. Ireland, asking questions about osteoarthritis and how to evaluate if joint replacement is the right choice for them.

A light meal will be catered by the Atrio. Space is limited. Participants are encouraged to register early, by calling

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