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Meet your teacher, Emily Holt

CIW ED Teacher Holt 03.03WEB

Grade/subject: Math teacher, Westfield High School

Number of years teaching: 26

Background/schooling: Ben Davis High School; bachelor’s in mathematics education 5-12 grades, Purdue University; master’s in secondary education, Indiana University; and administration K-12 certification, IU.

Why did you become a teacher? I became a teacher because I thoroughly enjoyed school primarily because of my teachers. They were supportive, caring and made school memorable. When you are a part of that kind of environment, you want to succeed and get involved and never want to leave.

What goals do you have for your students? I would like for my students to have the same experience. Therefore, my primary goal is to make sure my classroom is an environment where my students want to be there each day and learn. I will encourage them to take challenging classes and if they ever struggle in a class, make sure they advocate for themselves and ask for help. I will also promote getting involved in extracurricular activities. The high school offers so many wonderful clubs. Every student should be in at least one club.

What do you encourage parents to do at home to help their children strengthen particular skills? I think it is important for families to talk about their day. I would like to encourage my parents to ask their children everyday how their day was. Along with asking what was the best part of their day and then what did they learn today. Parents might have great Calculus or Pre-Calculus topics for discussion while eating dinner.

What is your favorite movie? “Jaws.”

Who is your favorite musician or band? Justin Timberlake

What’s something your students might not know about you? I was a majorette in the Ben Davis Marching Band and marched in the Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena. I also was a member of the Chess Club and the Spelunking Club.

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