Current Publishing

Column: Focus on daily nutrition habits

CIF Fitness column 520x245

By Kathleen Connelly

At the beginning of each year, I typically hear the same thing from clients, “I want to lose weight”. Now that we are two months in, some frustrations over this goal not happening might be setting in. Instead of focusing on weight, why not take the month of March, which is National Nutrition Month, and refocus on improving daily nutrition actions that can help you live a healthier 2015?

First, eat breakfast every day even if it is a protein bar in the car. Eating breakfast provides your body with much needed energy, and many studies show it helps individuals make healthier eating choices throughout the day. If you are not used to eating breakfast, set an alarm on your phone to help remind you and use a sticker chart to reward yourself for consistency.

The second nutrition-based habit to focus on is packing a lunch if you work outside the home or are going to be out and about all day. Studies show that people tend to eat healthier when they are providing their own meals not eating out at restaurants or buying in cafeterias.

Next up, drink water all day. I admit that I have one cup of coffee with skim milk most mornings. Then I leave my mug at home and take a water bottle with me everywhere I go. Take it in the car, into the office, into meetings or even into stores while running errands. If you have water available, you are more likely to drink it.

Lastly, focus on eating something every few hours. Eat five to six times a day to help maintain your metabolism, increase energy and improve mental focus. Even if you’re not hungry grab a palm full of almonds or a couple of carrots. Start focusing on these four habits and see what positive changes you can create for our health.

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