Current Publishing

300 Fit works for all types of athletes

Lauren Kloepfer takes 300 Fit classes. (Photo by Dawn Pearson)

Lauren Kloepfer takes 300 Fit classes. (Photo by Dawn Pearson)

By Dawn Pearson

The famous Sparta warriors of ancient Greece based their training on discipline for military warfare, SPARTA Sports Training and Fitness Facility bases theirs on speed, performance, agility and reaction at their Fisher’s training academy.

Hence their name SPARTA…speed, performance, agility, reaction training academy…

In following that philosophy one of the owners and trainers of SPARTA has designed a program to meet the needs of a variety of fitness levels, using the participants goals, lifestyles and condition to keep their trainees on track.

“To go along with our name SPARTA, we have developed the 300 Fit program,” Brian Griffitts, one of the owners and trainers said. “Each class will have 300 repetitions as a part of the workout and may consist of multiple routines within the 60 minute session.”

According to Griffitts “the 300 workouts are high intensity, low impact workouts designed to build muscle, increase endurance and strip fat FAST. Workouts may consist of kettle bells, dumb bells, battling ropes, sled pushes, core work and much more.”

SPARTA has designed the 300 Fit workouts for their customers by rotating the type of workout each day.

“I designed 300 Fit to offer to offer a variety of different types of exercise in the same fitness class,” Griffitts said. “The adult workout has it all, low density, meaning low impact, high intensity that is easy on joints, in all areas of sports. We use a variety of tools, such as suspension training, kettle bells, weights, battling ropes, so every workout is different, keeping people engaged and excited about their training.”

What makes this workout different?

“300 Fit, no matter the fitness level of our customers, we cater the program to them individually, in a group class,” Griffitts said. “Everyone is treated as individuals with their own fitness plan and personal, elite trainers.”

Erin Wagner, a 300 Fit instructor, mostly hears how great this class is and unintimidating it is.

“The thing I hear most from our clients is how encouraging everyone in the class is,” Wagner said.  Her clients said to her that they all have fitness goals, whether they are to lose weight or to improve our overall fitness and 300 Fit is a challenging class, that’s why they love it. “When you are surrounded by people who are all working towards pushing themselves to do their best it makes you want to push yourself even harder.”

SPARTA is not just a gym and not just for adults either.

“We offer sports performance programs for everyone. We have different levels of training for each age group with elite sports performance coaches,” Griffitts said. “ Our facility and world class athletics train in multiple sports and sports performance training, football and fundamental training in Judo, wrestling, boxing, yoga, and speed and power classes to help everyone from the young athlete to the adult wanting to stay in shape.”

Wagner is an instructor but also a client.

“I have been training there for almost 2 years and this is the place to take your young athlete who wants to stay in shape and work on his/her speed and performance for whatever sport they may play,” Wagner said. “SPARTA has especially been growing in the adult 300 Fit class. We are getting more moms in the area joining who are wanting to stay fit and healthy and looking for an alternative way to work out besides a treadmill at the gym.”

Four top-notch trainers, Brian Griffitts, Joe Hammond, Luke Dunnuck and Jordin Humphrey, opened SPARTA in January of 2013 at 1008 East 121st St. in Fishers, and they feel the variety of workouts people can do with elite trainers for one low price, has them winner the war.

“Prices are lower than our competitors, with unlimited training for all one price, all in a family atmosphere for everyone to do whatever workout and training they like and need.” Griffitts said.

They also host birthday parties at their facility and a variety of other training and youth programs. For more information go to

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