Current Publishing

Punching out a fitness routine

CIF Title Boxing Chris JordanWEB


Chris Jordan, general manager of the Title Boxing Club in Fishers demonstrates boxing techniques. (Photo by Beth Taylor)

By Beth Taylor

Lead by personal trainers, Title Boxing Club provides high-intensity interval training boxing and kickboxing workouts. Classes are geared toward all fitness levels.

Ellie Nikolova, 72, enjoys the results. “I’ve lost 25 pounds, and I have more energy than when I was 20 years old. I have more energy to keep up with my six-year-old granddaughter.” said Nikolva, 72. She has been coming to Title Boxing Club for six months.

“For our boxing workout, personal trainers teach boxing techniques that strengthen your whole body, increase endurance and build lean muscle,” said Chris Jordan, general manager of Title Boxing Club in Fishers.

After a 15-minute warm up, instructors focus on 30 minutes of bag work techniques. “You get three minute rounds of cardio and boxing combinations, followed by one minute of active rest,” said Jordan. The boxing workout concludes with a 15-minute toning session.

Jordan, also a personal trainer, said boxing workouts are a great weight loss tool,” You burn a ton of calories because the boxing workout keeps your heart rate elevated. You definitely get a cardio high afterward, too,” said Jordan.

For Jordan, the instructors set Title Boxing Club apart from other fitness clubs.  “If you don’t have the right instructor guiding the class, you’ll get a different result. Here, you get the guidance, and the instructors will keep you motivated,” he said. “We specialize in what we do.”

For Carmel resident, Corey Keele, Title Boxing classes have replaced other fitness classes. “These classes offer a more intense workout, and you burn a lot more calories. It’s become my first choice for fitness,” she said.

Title Boxing Club provides locker and shower amenities to help customers fit workout into their daily routines. “We have what you need to help you fit in a workout and make it part of your lifestyle.”

According to Jordan, classes at Title Boxing club are geared toward every fitness level. “Everyone gets their own heavy bag and can make it their own workout,” he said.

Title Boxing Club plans to expand more locations in the Indianapolis area.

Boxing workout basics:

High intensity interval training,

Burns fat and creates lean muscle

Lowers blood pressure

Bring handwraps, boxing gloves.

water bottle and a towel

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