Current Publishing

Local organization is seeking Carmel, Zionsville breast milk donors

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Nov.17 is World Prematurity Day, and according to the March of Dimes latest scorecard, Indiana scores slightly better than the national average for premature births. The U.S. infant mortality rate, however, is still more than double countries like Finland, Japan, Portugal and Sweden.

One Indianapolis-based nonprofit organization is doing their part to make sure premature infants. are given the best chance at life possible. The Milk Bank is a nonprofit human milk bank that pasteurizes mother’s milk donations and distributes them to Neonatal Intensive Care Units around the Midwest. While they are located in Indianapolis, they have depot locations all over the state of Indiana and in four other states.

To date, they have distributed more than one million ounces of donor milk to fragile infants.

“Donated mother’s milk can truly act as medicine for these fragile infants,” said Carissa Hawkins of The Milk Bank.

Locally, nursing mothers who would like to donate milk can drop off milk at Indiana Blood Center, of Carmel, at 726 Adams St, Suite 150, Carmel, or call 844 – 0313. Visit for more information.

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