Current Publishing

Veterans Day: A look back

Veterans Armstrong

Edward and Sarah Armstrong’s five sons – Isaac, Irven, Ezekiel, Charles and Lindzey – each served in the U.S. Army during World War I. (File photo)

Edward and Sarah Armstrong’s five sons – Isaac, Irven, Ezekiel, Charles and Lindzey – each served in the U.S. Army during World War I. (File photo)

For many years, the Armstrongs represented one of Westfield’s prominent and respected families. The patriarch, Jefferson Armstrong (1805-1881), was in his 60s when the family first arrived in Westfield in 1873. He was accompanied by his wife, Angeline, and their four children. Formerly a slave in Missouri, Armstrong worked for years as the toll-gate keeper on the Noblesville-Lebanon Pike.

His eldest son, Edward Armstrong, gained his freedom from slavery by serving with the Union troops in Kansas and Alabama during the Civil War. After settling in Westfield he married on two occasions, the second time to Sarah Roberts, and the couple had five sons: Isaac, Irven, Ezekiel “Zeek,” Charles and Lindzey.

The five Armstrong brothers each served in the U.S. Army during World War I. All except Lindzey went overseas to France, and three brothers had front-line battle experiences. During these war years, Sarah Armstrong received acclaim as being the only mother in Indiana with five sons wearing the American military uniform at the same time.

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