Current Publishing

Five minutes with Nazarine Terstegge

CIN COM 5 MIN Terstegge

By Melissa Hicks

Nazarine Terstegge is a partner of Sweet Home Cupcakes at 932 Logan Street, Noblesville. She has been a Noblesville resident for six years.

What is your favorite restaurant and why? Probably The Journey. They have really good sushi there and my kids love the variety of stuff. So there is something for everyone there.

Have you had a boss or colleague whom you admired? If so, why? I’ve a lot of people that have inspired me, so it’s kind of hard for me to just pick one person. … I did have a boss when I lived down in Florida who had more faith in me than I had myself at the time, and he forced me out of my comfort zone. It rattled me for a while but worked out to be something really good.

What would be the first thing you’d want to tell someone new to the community? There is a lot that Noblesville has to offer. … We enjoy the events downtown and we enjoy Forest Park. And not to give up if you don’t find your group right away.

If you had to describe yourself as an ice cream flavor, would you be vanilla, chocolate or strawberry? Why? I think I would be strawberry because I think so many people like chocolate and vanilla, but people either love strawberry or hate it. I think that’s kind of the way I strike people.

Which local event most captures your attention? I’ve never gone to it, but I’m dying to go to the Greek Festival.

Five Minutes With is a recurring feature of Current in Noblesville. If you or someone you know would like to be featured, please e-mail

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