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Letter: Zionsville Town Council members urge residents to vote “yes” to reorganization with Perry Township on November 4



My friend and fellow town council member Steve Mundy wrote the following note. It is succinct and to the point, and worthwhile reading. I encourage everyone to vote “YES” to the reorganization.

Susana Suarez

Zionsville Town Council


Fellow Zionsville Resident,


As early voting has begun, I am sending this message to give my reasons for supporting the reorganization of Zionsville and Perry Township, an initiative on the ballot this year.

I have served on the town council for 4 years now and appreciate what this and previous councils have done to make Zionsville such a great place to call home.  However, we have grown from a small town to a much larger one through the reorganization of 2010.  One change that I believe is essential is to have an elected full-time leader, a mayor.

Realistically, this can only be done through reorganization and requires the support of our residents.  To be able to elect a mayor in the more traditional way, by becoming a city, we lose much of what I believe we want in our town, and more importantly, it is financially not viable.

Seeking city status would require us to abandon the unique approach of an “urban” and a “rural” area all within the same town and comes with a cost that is unaffordable.

Our current council is made up of 7 part-time members, most of whom work at a full-time job.  Our town staff consists of approximately 107 full-time employees.

Adding a mayor will provide a full-time advocate to work toward improving our tax base, managing day-to-day issues and dealing with emergency situations.  Elected by the voters, this role also provides a check and balance with the town council.

The reorganization calls for the elimination of 4 unnecessary government offices and moves one role to that of a hired professional with the appropriate skill set and experience.

You may also be aware that this reorganization has been challenged in the court system.

The final ruling is expected to occur soon, however, voting on the question is taking place now.  I hope you will be part of those that wish to continue to see Zionsville take a forward-looking initiatives and vote “YES” to reorganize the town on November 4.

Thank you,

Steve Mundy

Zionsville Town Council

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