Current Publishing

Trunk or Treat in Hollywood is Oct. 30

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By Kristen Yates

Grab your witch hats and scary masks because Halloween is right around the corner. Celebrating in a big way this year is Hollywood Cheer and Tumble with its inaugural Trunk or Treat event on Oct. 30.

Patrick Cowherd, a co-owner and coach at Hollywood Cheer and Tumble, is excited to get the public involved. He has been with the company since 2008 and said he can’t wait to see the turnout for this event.

“We have the space to really pull off a great event,” he said. “ We feel very confident that this event will be a huge success.”

There will be hayrides, face painting, inflatables and trick or treating.

“It is our hopes to make our Trunk or Treat one of the largest event of this sort to take place,” he said.

This event is open to the public and admission is free.

Trunk or Treat is from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at 12345 Old Meridian St. in Carmel. For more information, call 818-8480.

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