Current Publishing

Snapshot: Keeping the legacy

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From left, back row: Legacy Keeper President Mary Ogle and Vice President Julia Blank. Middle row: Stuart, Duncan, Liam and Collin Blank. Front row: Legacy Keeper 2014 Junior Ambassadors Ava and Bella ConCannon.

Legacy Keepers hosted “a glimpse into yesteryear with timeless beauties and riverboat floozies” on Oct. 12 at Logan Street Sanctuary, 1274 Logan St. The event included Victorian era old-fashioned fun, live music, refreshments, crafts, classic cars, story time with Teri Ditslear and an American Girl and Steampunk fashion show. County historian David Heighway led a walking tour from the square to Logan Street Sanctuary, discussing the historical aspects of the area and homes. (Photos by Lynn Cory)

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