Current Publishing

Kids are welcome at Young Life

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Young Life members gather recently for a meeting. (submitted photo)

Young Life members gather recently for a meeting. (submitted photo)

By Holly Kline

This time of year means that kids are likely busy with homework, sports, clubs and social activities. Fishers-area kids in seventh through 12th grades can also take advantage of the Young Life group, which is a non-denominational ministry geared toward teenagers. HSE Young Life is the local chapter, not affiliated with HSE schools, and it includes the Young Life program for high school kids and the WyldLife program for seventh- and eighth-grade students.

“Young Life is for every kid,” said Kathy Craig, WyldLife Director for HSE Young Life. “Everyone is invited, which is my favorite part of Young Life. We want everyone to feel invited and welcome and wanted.”

It’s easy to participate in HSE Young Life. There is no official joining process; anyone is welcome to attend meetings and events. Craig explained how she helps get the word out about HSE Young Life.

“We try to be visible in the community,” Craig said. “We use social media because that is a big part of young people’s lives,” she said. “As leaders we go to where the kids are. We go to games, we organize groups going out for coffee or going out for ice cream.”

What do people do at meetings?

“We have bible study and we call that Campaigners,” Craig said. “We also have Club, which is a party with a purpose. We let kids be kids. They dance and play games. We also have Club Talk where someone the kids know tells a story that is related to the bible and we all talk about it.”

Marie Meyer, a junior at Hamilton Southeastern High School, is a high school leader for HSE Young Life.

“I like it because I feel welcome there and you feel a lot closer to God and you can make connections with a lot of people,” Meyer said.

Craig loves being involved, and is happy to have been with the local chapter since it started.

“The most rewarding part is being able to walk beside kids and give them hope in a non-judgmental way,” Craig said.

Find more information about upcoming meetings and events at

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