Current Publishing

Five minutes with Nathan Beadle

Nathan Beadle

By Melissa Hicks

Meet Nathan Beadle, he is commissioner for First Baptist Church in Carmel’s Upward Basketball program and retiree.

What is your favorite restaurant and why?

“I really like going to Piada. It’s Italian street food. It’s kind of like an Italian Chipotle, you go through a line and tell them what you want.”

Which local event most captures your attention?

“I enjoy Carmel Fest every year. The parade and the fireworks. The whole small town 4th of July activity.”

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be and why?

“I guess I’d like to go to Africa. I’ve never been there, I’d like to see what that continent is like. See the animals. Maybe do a missions trip there.”

Do you have a pet? If not what kind of pet would you want?

“Her name’s Chloe. She’s a 4 pound dog.”

What do you see as opportunities for your community?

“As Carmel land is about all taken up by houses, now I think the challenge is how do we keep our neighborhoods fresh and from going downhill. So I think there’s a lot of opportunity to remodel some of the aging neighborhoods and keep it a vibrant community.”

Five Minutes With is a recurring feature of Current in Carmel. If you or someone you know would like to be featured, please e-mail

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