Current Publishing

Five minutes with Officer Erika Pearson


By Melissa Hicks

Meet Erika Pearson, a sales associate at Smith’s Jewelers in Noblesville, where she has been a resident for 16 years.

What is your favorite restaurant?

“I would have to say the Asian Grill, just because everything on their menu is spectacular.”

Which local event most captures your attention?

“Probably the Street Dance. It brings a lot of people out. It’s just great and it’s been growing over the years.”

What is something nobody knows about you?

“One thing that a lot of people don’t know about me is that I know sign language.”

What music have you been listening to recently?

“A lot of indie rock. I like The Black Keys. I think they’re awesome.”

What do you like most about your community?

“The small-town feel that it has, especially in the downtown area. I mean we all know each other. And a little bit of the history, too, which is cool.”

Five Minutes With is a recurring feature of Current in Noblesville. If you or someone you know would like to be featured, please e-mail

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