Current Publishing

Five minutes with Officer Eric Grimes


By Melissa Hicks


Meet Eric Grimes, he has been a Westfield Police Officer and Field Training Officer for five years.

Do you have a pet?

“A cat name GT.”

What music have you been listening to recently?

“Some Guns N’ Roses’ ‘November Rain.’ It an oldie but classic.”

Which local event most captures your attention?

“Westfield Rocks the 4th. There’s lots of food venders, lots of fireworks, a family atmosphere and a band. Brings the community together in one place.”

What is something nobody knows about you?

“I’m kind of a germaphobe.”

What do you like most about your community?

“I’d say the quality of people that we have here. Everybody is friendly, nice, outgoing. Everybody interacts with each other. You get Westfield Rocks the 4th, you get a big group like that together and we have not one problem.”

Five Minutes With is a recurring feature of Current in Westfield. If you or someone you know would like to be featured, please e-mail

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