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Fusions Sports kick starts youth basketball program for fall 2014




“Bringing faith and sports together” is the name of the game at Trader’s Point Christian Church, home of Fusion Sports. Sports Minister Paul Kobylarz has structured, branded and developed Fusion Sports Ministry, complete with youth leagues and adult programs. With the upcoming youth basketball season approaching, he has bright plans for the future.

Kobylarz got involved with sports ministry in Europe, where he spent 20 years as a Sports Missionary. He built a nationally-based sports ministry called Sport for Life, which created a movement in Sweden and became acclaimed nationally.

“After 20 years of birthing, building and transitioning this ministry to the hands of the Swedish nationals, I felt the call to return to my homeland in order to continue to evolve as a sports minister and help TPCC reach out to the community through sports in a similar way,” Kobylarz said. Thus, Fusion Sports was born.

“TPCC had existing sports ministry programs when I came, but since coming, we have added structure, vision and mission to the ministry. I have helped evolve and [brand]it to Fusion Sports.”

Fusion sports includes two divisions, sports and leadership. Sports consists of youth leagues in tennis and basketball, camps in basketball, golf, and soccer, and adult programs. Leadership consists of mentorship, consultancy, and training programs for athletes and coaches helping them to realize their full potential as athletes and as people. Out of all the programs spanning both divisions, Fusion Youth Basketball is the largest for youth outreach.

“We have seen kids who have grown athletically and personally through our program, and we have even seen destructive lives, in some cases, be transformed in a positive way, thanks to the Biblical message we teach, and the fellowship, camaraderie and guidance they have received from our instructors and volunteers,” Kobylarz said.

Registration for the youth basketball fall league is currently in full swing, and is available for boys and girls in grades 1 through 4, and girls in grades 5 through 8. Leagues fill up quickly, but registration can be done online at for only $55 per child until September 5.

Fusion Sports and Paul Kobylarz look forward to a successful and fulfilling season of basketball and fellowship.

“It’s a great way to communicate a life-transforming message, which is available for everyone, in all walks of life, including sports.”

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